
This last week we celebrated the end of the school year and my oldest sons 8th birthday. How in the world did that happen?! 8 years old!! If anyone can find some sort of a potion to make time stop, sign me up. These kids are growing up way too fast and I just can't handle it. 

This is the first time to Texas for our family. I have had many friends move to Texas over the years and have heard so many fun things about it so when a killer deal on a flight became available we jump on that as fast as we could. I mean I was a sweaty mess while calling southwest worried that the flights were going to be sold out, luckily it wasn't so I booked it as fast as I could and then cheered as I hung up the phone. Always a good feeling when you get a new adventure booked and can save money. After the flight was booked to Dallas I began searching for all the fun places we could hit along the way to meet up with good friends in San Antonio. 

Strawberry Picking

well its that time of year again and I am overly excited to have the smell of fresh strawberries in the house and the sight of summer knocking at my door. This winter was LONG, but it seems like they are all long right?. I am always ready for the outdoors and warm weather again. Living in indiana there are so many great Upick farms to choose from but my favorite that my family goes to every year is Spencer Farms. They have this cute little shop and big white barn in the background that is just screaming to take pictures by. I refrain myself most of the time;) Here are a few pictures from the strawberry patch. 

Cowboy Up

I was so proud of my brave boys. Aiden has been asking me for months to do mutton busting again. (their first time was same time last year) I didn't hesitate signing them up again since they had so much fun last year.