All in Travel


This last week we celebrated the end of the school year and my oldest sons 8th birthday. How in the world did that happen?! 8 years old!! If anyone can find some sort of a potion to make time stop, sign me up. These kids are growing up way too fast and I just can't handle it. 

This is the first time to Texas for our family. I have had many friends move to Texas over the years and have heard so many fun things about it so when a killer deal on a flight became available we jump on that as fast as we could. I mean I was a sweaty mess while calling southwest worried that the flights were going to be sold out, luckily it wasn't so I booked it as fast as I could and then cheered as I hung up the phone. Always a good feeling when you get a new adventure booked and can save money. After the flight was booked to Dallas I began searching for all the fun places we could hit along the way to meet up with good friends in San Antonio.