
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food with my family.

Red River Gorge

Red River Gorge

This time of year always gets me so antsy to be outside exploring. Since school doesn't let out until the end of the month it makes it a little harder to pull Aiden out of school for longer periods  of time. (more than one day that is) I may be on the naughty list this year from pulling my boys from school more often than the school would like. Mmmm sorry about that.;) So we didn't pull Aiden out for a longer trip, but couldn't resist stealing him away for the day to explore the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. This was the first time that we ventured out to Lexington and it was so worth it. We packed stuff for a picnic and loaded up in the car. We prepped the kids that there would be some hiking along with the exploring,  thankfully they were both game so thats always a win, win for all. Maguire tends to get a little more tired-some than Aiden so I brought some sour patch kids just in case he needed a little pick me up. I will just say after 6 miles of hiking I didn't have to worry about carrying back the 1 lb. bag of treats. Maguire gladly took care of that around mile marker 4. With that said we has the best time and it is just so beautiful there. If you have little ones this might not be the place for you. The views are incredible but the drop offs are a little unsettling with busy little ones. The boys are so great to stay by us when we explain "why" and talk to them about safety. I still might have had a 100 small heart attacks when we were exploring all of the lookout points. It really was incredible though and the views are unbeatable. 

Some photos from our day trip to the Gorge:

See what I mean about the 100 heart attacks? Luckily we brought a picnic mat so the boys knew their limit and had to stay on the mat. Also I wanted to mention the  outhouse that Maguire so kindly opened while Aiden was finishing up his business. I have a feeling I am going to have more and more photos like these through the years. That outhouse is seriously the nicest outhouse I have ever seen. Its hard to see in the photo but it has a puppet that talks and tells jokes while you go to the bathroom. my Aiden could not get enough. He is still talking about that puppet and Maguire is still talking about opening the door. We have all had some great laughs from that little peek a boo;) 



New York

New York