
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food with my family.

Napa Valley

Napa Valley

We recently had an opportunity to visit my Grandma and Uncle in Napa Valley, CA.  Napa Is such a beautiful place. The vineyards all lined up perfectly one after another is just so incredible. I could drive around all day just looking at all the beautiful landscape. Sometimes I just think Earth is so incredibly beautiful I want to see very nook and cranny. While we were in Napa my Uncle was so kind to take us out boating. I didn't grow up boating, but while living in Idaho we owned a little boat that we took out often. Its such a great memory. When my Uncle offered to take us out on the lake I don't think we could answer yes fast enough. The boys have been on the local swim team in Indiana for a few years now so they just love the water and it gives me peace of mind when they are jumping and playing around in it. Maguire was able to surf for the first time behind the boat with the help of my Uncle and it was so cute to watch how excited he was. Although we were only there for a few days we had the best time driving around and spending some much needed time with family. Thank you again Paul and Lynnette for having us. We had the best time. 

Some pictures from the few days we were there:

Easter chicks

Easter chicks

Exploring and Wet socks

Exploring and Wet socks