
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food with my family.

Exploring and Wet socks

Exploring and Wet socks

Last week we finally got to see the sun and feel the warm weather on our skin. Winter is always so long for me, by Jan. 5th I am completely over it. I have to admit though, having snow on and around christmas is my favorite. The beautiful white snow coating all of the trees outside with a fire burning inside and the smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven is so comforting and I long for it each year. Other than that week or so in December I am completely over winter and long for warm spring days full of sunshine. We woke up Tuesday morning with the sun peeking through every inch of my window, it was beautiful. When I looked outside and saw blue skies that was it, we were pulling the boys from school and playing hooky. We wanted to take advantage of this warm weather since in Indiana spring weather is always a little unpredictable. We loaded up the car full of treats, waters and headed to Turkey Run State Park. Turkey Run is about an hour and half from our home so its always a good option for a day trip. Turkey Run is full of hiking and exploring. The boys love to jump through the puddles in their boots but their favorite thing to do is attempting to scale the walls through the canyons. They don't get very high but they still love the adventurous side of it. I always love watching the boys explore and see what they find. Maguire is my detail minded child. He can spot the smallest bug or pick the perfect stick from a mile away. He knows what he likes and goes for it. Aiden, however enjoys the calmness of the outdoors and loves to just soak everything in. He loves the contrasting colors of flowers, trees and the streams that run through the canyons. Its fun to see them each in their element while all being together. Turkey Run is always good to us and this trip was no exception.

Some photos from our day of exploring and enjoying the sunshine:

Napa Valley

Napa Valley

Cowboy Up

Cowboy Up