
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food with my family.

Strawberry Picking

Strawberry Picking

Summers knocking on the door! Its my favorite time of the year, I am so excited to have the smell of fresh strawberries in the house again. This winter was LONG, but it seems like all winters are long, right?? I am always ready for the outdoors and warm weather as soon as March hits. Living in indiana there are so many great Upick farms to choose from but my favorite is Spencer Farms. They have this cute little shop filled with local produce and Blue Bell Ice Cream (Yum!). They also have this big white beautiful barn, sitting behind fields of raspberry bushes and strawberry patches just waiting to take pictures with (I refrain most of the time). ;) Here are a few pics from our venture to the strawberry patch. 

With sticky hands, red juice stained faces and full bellies, I would say it was a pretty great day. Thanks to Spencer Farms for another family tradition in the books. 



