
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food with my family.



Miami has been on the top of my travel list for years and since my sister moved there recently I couldn't book flights fast enough. Once Flights were booked and my husband was informed, better to ask for forgiveness than permission right? ;) The planning and researching started and we had the longest to-do list. My dear sister was such a trooper with my enormous list. On the top of my list of things to do was Wynwood Walls. Wynwood Walls is the most amazing art district where creative artists display their incredible art on walls that stretch for blocks and blocks. It's pretty amazing how creative and talented people are. If you are ever in Miami you have to go, you won't regret it. 

This was my favorite art wall at Wynwood walls.

This was my favorite art wall at Wynwood walls.

This wall is covered with live moss that they water daily. So cool!

This wall is covered with live moss that they water daily. So cool!

The beach is always a must with my boys and I am always content to sit and hang out on the beach playing with my kids. Give me a snack and a lounge chair and I will never leave. One thing that was on my husbands to-do list was scuba diving and he loved everything about it. I have the hardest time feeling comfortable being in open water with strange urchins lingering about but he is completely in his element.  I swear my boys and husband were born to live in water. They love everything about it. 

My sweet nephew Korbin. Could he get any Cuter?! 

My sweet nephew Korbin. Could he get any Cuter?! 

Someone was sneaking a lot of treats and thought it was pretty funny. 

Maguire is always such an explorer when we go on trips. This boy will collect things for hours. I love it until we are packing up to catch a flight and  his backpack starts dripping water. 

Maguire is always such an explorer when we go on trips. This boy will collect things for hours. I love it until we are packing up to catch a flight and  his backpack starts dripping water. 

My sister lives in the cutest little area with the nicest pool that was empty almost the whole time we were there.  Each morning we would stroll by the pool and nightly, taking a dive in the pool, was a must. It was nice to be able to let the kids run loose while swimming without the worry of bothering others swimmers. My sister is a mom to three little boys which is so fun for my boys to have little playmates with lots of boy toys while on vacation. One of the toys that the boys had the most fun and fights over was a red radio flyer scooter. One afternoon we were headed to the pool for a fun swimming day and of course the scooter came with. We realized very quickly that a pool, scooter and a GoPro, makes for a great afternoon and fun underwater pictures. The boys would try to hold their breath and ride the scooter underwater but most of the time they would just giggle and laugh until they swallowed water (Yuck!). Pool water makes me so grossed out. When I see my kids coming up with a mouth full of water I just can't take it. Am I the only one that feels this way? 

Diving right in.

Aiden is such a fish. He had so much fun in the water with his clothes on. 

Aiden is such a fish. He had so much fun in the water with his clothes on. 

In Miami we had the best time exploring and spending some much needed time with my sister and her beautiful boys. We are all counting down the days until we go back.  Listed below are some of my favorite pictures and spots we visited. The selection was a little harder than I thought to limit pictures, so heres a few more, Enjoy!

Strawberry Picking

Strawberry Picking

A Field of Gold

A Field of Gold